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Legal Opinion for PayPal

If you offer electronic cigarettes and refill containers in an online shop and would like to use PayPal as a payment service provider, PayPal requires you to have an experienced lawyer assess whether you fulfil the legal requirements for sales in Germany and whether your activities are compatible with PayPal's terms of use. I will be happy to assist you with the preparation of the legal opinion. Simply provide me with the information I need and I can quickly draw up the necessary expert opinion for you after the necessary checks and any queries. 

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For the legal opinion, I need some information from you, which you can provide me with the following form if you are a retailer and not also an importer. With this information, you are placing an order for the preparation of a legal opinion for Paypal on the legal conformity of your online trade in electronic cigarettes and refill containers in the Federal Republic of Germany. I will charge you 550,- EUR (net) for the completed legal opinion. 

Vielen Dank!

Get in touch with me!

Attorney M. Bo Hillebrand

I am available for you at any time: 

Call me anytime at +49(0)4642/9251675 or send me an email at
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