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Trademark Law

I will help you to have your trademark protected for the European Union or Germany-wide. Of course, I will also be at your side if you are sued for an alleged trademark infringement.

Trademark search and registration:

I support you with thorough research and subsequent registration of your trademark to avoid potential conflicts.

Brand monitoring

I offer continuous monitoring services to ensure that your trademark is not infringed upon by third parties.

Brand Development

Developing a new brand requires a lot of creativity. At the same time, it is essential to always consider which brand is protectable and compliant with the relevant advertising law. I will accompany you from the first step of brand development.

Trademark protection and defense

Protect your brand from unauthorised use and infringements. I defend your rights efficiently and consistently.

Contract drafting

Professional consultation and drafting of license agreements, delimitation agreements, and other trademark-related contracts.

Enforcement and dispute resolution

Competent representation in trademark disputes before courts and arbitration boards, as well as in negotiations for the out-of-court resolution of conflicts.

Feel free to contact me!

Attorney M. Bo Hillebrand

I am always available for you!

Call me anytime at +49(0)4642/9251675 or send me an email at
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